Abolish War

Time to Abolish War. Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed. This world in arms is not spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children. Leggi tutto...
Abolish War

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Abolish War

Time to Abolish War. Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed. This world in arms is not spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children. Leggi tutto...


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Argomenti: Diritti umani

Uomo a (cm) b (cm) c (cm)
S 49 69 20,5
M 52 72 21,5
L 55 74 22,5
XL 58 76 22,5
XXL 61 78 23,5

Donna a (cm) b (cm) c (cm)
S 44.5 64 16
M 47,5 66 17
L 50.5 68 17
XL 53,5 69 18

a (cm) b (cm) c (cm)
3-4 y 33 45 11,5
5-6 y 35 49 12,5
7-8 y 37 53 13,5
9-11 y 40 57 14,5
12-14 y 43 61 15,5

Bambina a (cm) b (cm) c (cm)
3-4 y 30,5 42 9
5-6 y 32,5 46 10
7-8 y 34,5 50 11
9-11 y 37,5 54 12
12-14 y 40,5 58 13

Canotta uomo a (cm) b (cm)
S 45 69,5
M 48 71,5
L 51 73,5
XL 54 75,5

Canotta donna a (cm) b (cm)
S 39 64
M 42 66
L 45 68
XL 48 69

Uomo a (cm) b (cm) c (cm)
S 49,5 69,5 78
M 52,5 71,5 79,5
L 55,5 73,5 81
XL 58,5 75,5 82,5

a (cm) b (cm) c (cm)
S 50,5 69,5 76,5
M 53 71,5 78
L 56 73,5 79,5
XL 59 75,5 81

Donna a (cm) b (cm) c (cm)
S 48 64 71
M 51 66 72,5
L 54 68 73,5
XL 57 69 75

a (cm) b (cm) c (cm)
S 49 64 71,5
M 52 66 73
L 55 68 74,25
XL 58 69 75,5

Unisex a (cm) b (cm) c (cm)
S 50,5 70 79
M 53 72 80,5
L 56 74 82
XL 59 76 83,5

a (cm) b (cm) c (cm)
S 51,5 68 75
M 54 72 79
L 57 74 80,5
XL 60 76 82


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